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  • #11312

      Note this board can embedded medias: pics, videos & mp3

      To insert them, simply use the BBcodes and between them enter simply the url of your media or the ID.


      Insert a myspace video:
      ex: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=4070498

      use the code:

      [MySpace]VIDEO ID[/MySpace]

      and just put the number ID of the video (end of the url) : 4070498 between the code.


      Insert a youtube video:
      ex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u57Bhsy76kI

      use the code:


      and put the url of the video between the code:

      Insert a .flv video
      You want to insert a .flv video hosted in a server,
      ex: http://www.normancook.info/blog/465.flv
      use the code:


      and put the url of the video between the code:

      Insert a Google video
      ex: http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-7176430498644813912&hl

      use the code:

      [googlevideo]VIDEO ID[/googlevideo]

      and just put the number ID of the video (end of the url after the = ) : -7176430498644813912&hl between the code.

      Insert a large image
      Sometime you can find an image which is too large.
      ex: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2142/2174150596_38e3d87f85_o.jpg

      You can resize it ( a clickable image) with using the code.


      and put the url of the pic between the code.

      Insert a mp3 streaming
      If you have a direct link of mp3 (hosted in a server),
      ex: http://www.normancook.info/download/paraparapapa.mp3
      you can stream it with using code:


      and put the url of the mp3 between the code.


        Insert a DivShare Mp3:
        ex: http://www.divshare.com/download/3529074-564

        use the code:

        [DivShare]MP3 ID[/Divshare]

        and just put the number ID of the mp3 (end of the url after download/) : 3529074-564 between the code.


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