Updates & Future

After much considerations, observations and waste of time, i took some decisions about the future of fatboyslim.org…

  1. The FATwiki project is reduced to a simple tracklist wiki. Develop an encyclopedia is fantastic when we are several but in the actual time (i don't forget those who help me) it's impossible, its took years LOL . I prefer to limit the project.
  2. The fatboyslim.org website will continue but in 3.5 version = an updated version of the existing site: the version 4.0 is too much work for a lonely person and when i see only 20 people who believe again in Fatboy Slim, it made me sad and tired: it's not reasonnable to develop a portal for only 20 people. I prefer keep the base and update it (i started already this last days before take some days off if i success to detox LOL )
  3. The blog will continue: its finally the best way to continue meeting true FBS fan and keep a little friendly circle. Post good things , bad things, nothing and important things are finally what i did the better.

Thanks for your support.


  1. Smart moves, pal! The blog is excellent and, when the time comes (new Fatboy albums and the like), it will drive people to the other stuff.

  2. Hi Francis,

    thx for the recent updates and the effort for the whole FBS project.
    I really enjoy this blog and check back almost daily and am glad that it will be continued.
    The NC.info page & Wiki is always a good source for any info on Fatboy so it’s good to have that too.

    Keep the funk alive,

    Crazylonghair. :-)

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