Summer Holidays?

The Summer Holidays are coming for the blog and for.. ME. I hope that you will have a good time.
So see you soon. Probably in the middle of August when i’ll be more inspired. Edit of the 07/20/2007: Holidays without blogging is impossible so..

Important note:
NCI V4.0 is on a way. (Complexity inside)
A same login to access to wiki / forum / comments.. probably gallery / a search engine … more 500 pages to rewrite. I’ll continue the development in august. Need to relax my brain and mind (and certainly to get a life! he he )
Hope that i’m not the lonely to believe in it…but i’m sure that you’re thinking that FBS fans need an alternative of an official buggy forum, a non updated or a commercial myspace s*** . I do that to create a real FBS meeting zone. I’m happy to see that the FND’s notebook permit that. Made a dynamic website is probably a very ambitious project, i don’t know if i’ll sucess to do that. All is done in tranquility (i’m not a professional webmaster so i can’t accelerate the process lol )

Preview of v4.0 (in really beta level):
Home page test with video embeded. The v4.0 should be constructed on a free Content Management System base. (Joomla! ).
integration of the forum

integration of the wiki


  1. PS: i forget to tell you that if something is found about the industrial resolution in manchester, it will be posted.. I can’t left my functions like that..

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