Fatboy Slim Live in Second Life


PC World, Brazil, Article dated of the 7 February 2007 (translated from the portuguese by Systran©):

In the event, beyond a chat with the DJ, the cellular launching of a virtual one of the Nokia also occurs

Fans of electronic music whom they possess to avatar inside of the Second Life already have program for this friday (09/02). In the date, the DJ and English producer Fatboy Slim set special for the inhabitants of the social net will make one. “show” it is marked for 16h and it will have to last about 45 minutes. The place of the presentation is being divulged in the group Fatboy Slim in Second Life.

The action is fruit of a partnership between agency DM9DDB, recorder Sony BMG and the cellular manufacturer of Nokia and uses to advantage the occasion to divulge the launching, inside of the Second Life, the device Nokia 5200.

The virtual version of the cellular one will be distributed gratuitously, of February the April, in kiosks spread for diverse points of the Second Life and will use a technology that emulates the functioning of the conectividade Bluetooth for sending of information between internautas and act of receiving of notice on what it happens inside of the net of the Linden Labs.

After launching, first the 2,5 a thousand avatares that to be registered in the site Nokia Second Life will be able to make download, gratuitous, of 10 bands of Fatboy Slim in the Sonorous virtual store, of the vestibule Land.

Besides touching, Norman Cook (name “real” of Fatboy Slim) chat will talk with users in one.

sources: pcworld.uol.com.br , Nokia Brasil , Second Life & Nokia Second Life


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